Estate Planning
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
 Do you have a loved one in your family diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis or another disability? Are you the caregiver for your loved one? As Alabama attorneys, we know how challenging it can be to ensure that your disabled loved one is protected on a daily basis. When you think about the lifetime caregiving needs of your loved one, are you concerned about a future when you may no longer be able to care for your loved one? What can you do to help the loved one you care for? As Alabama estate planning attorneys we understand the laws surrounding how you may protect yourself and your disabled loved one now and in the future. There are estate planning tools to ensure that your loved one with a disabling condition will be as supported as he or she can be. Unfortunately, one of the most challenging aspects of witnessing a loved one struggle with a disabling condition may be the sadness and confusion he or she experiences, often exhibited in different ways. Some ways may be through angry outbursts and belligerence or through silence and innocence. Read more . . .
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
 This Valentine’s Day, do you want to say “I love you” to your children in a totally different way? How about the gift of an Alabama estate plan and by creating a loving legacy for them? We know there are many ways that you can show your love to your children during this month of February. However, we would like to share some ways that you can protect your family by planning and creating a loving legacy that will provide for them in the future. 1. Have you thought about the impact any long-term care you may need could have on your legacy? Because the cost of long-term care for older Americans is rising, it is important to be prepared by creating a plan to afford the long-term care that you may need in the future. This is critical so that your family is not left struggling to pay those costs. Read more . . .
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
8297.png) Are you considering remarrying? Are you thinking that February is the perfect month to plan a wedding, including the venue, the menu and all the combined family, yours and your future spouse’s? As you and your future spouse think about what needs to be done, what about your Alabama estate plan? Whether you currently have one or not, you should have one before you remarry. Here is why. In a first marriage the goals of most spouses match and estate planning is not a problem. Each spouse wants to take care of the surviving spouse for as long as he or she lives, and then divide what is left equally among their children. Or, if your children are still minors, you set up a trust for the children until they are adults. Read more . . .
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
 As you begin the new year, are you thinking about the resolutions you set for 2023? Did you include being sure you and your family are prepared for whatever the future holds by creating an Alabama estate plan? We want you to know that we believe that one of the most important New Year’s resolutions you can make this year is to create your Alabama estate plan. With your Alabama estate plan in place you can protect yourself and your loved ones both during your life and at the time of your death. During your lifetime, by working with your qualified Alabama estate planning attorney, you can create a plan that ensures your choices for your health care and finances are honored by your chosen decision maker. Read more . . .
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
 As the year 2022 comes to an end, have you given any thought to long-term care planning? Have most of your family and friends either passed away or moved? Is your health good or have you had any health scares this year? Have these health scares during the past year caused you to think about where you want to live as you age or what might happen if you had a health crisis or even how to protect your legacy? We understand that as you age, you want the best for yourself, so learning about long-term care planning before you need it is a great idea. As you think about your future, if you became incapacitated due to an accident, surgery or disease what would happen? Who would make your healthcare decisions, pay your bills, or keep an eye on your house? What would happen if you needed extra care to remain in your home or you needed a nursing home? Now is the time to plan, before a crisis occurs, and while you can make decisions for yourself. By working with an experienced Alabama elder law attorney you can have the peace of mind to ensure your lifetime of savings is protected from your long-term care needs. When you locate, make an appointment and meet with an Alabama elder law attorney, how do you even begin the conversation? What should you talk about? Where should you start? In our firm we understand you questions because most of our clients have these same questions and we know that long-term planning can be complicated. We would like to share an end of the year long-term care planning checklist that you may use as you think about long-term care planning before the end of the year. Read more . . .
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
 Did you know that according to research many people put off making an estate plan each year? What about you, do you have an estate plan? If you do not, you are not alone.
There are multiple and varied reasons why people put off creating their Alabama estate plan. Some put it off because they think they do not have enough assets and others think they are too young to even consider it. There are people who do not want to think about dying and avoid creating an estate plan. People who are not married and have no immediate family, may not feel a need to create an estate plan at all. Read more . . .
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
 Do you currently have a trust or are you thinking about adding one to your estate plan? Were you aware that some trusts do fail? To begin, a trust is a legal document that you can place your assets in to be managed by a selected trustee for the benefit of the trust’s beneficiaries. There are two essential components to a trust. First, there is the trust itself, which is created through a legal document that identifies the purpose of the trust, the trustee of the trust and his or her powers, the beneficiaries of the trust, and the requirements for distributing the trust assets to the beneficiaries. The second component of the trust is the “corpus” of the trust, or, the sum of money, accounts or property placed into the trust. Read more . . .
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
 Have you just completed your Alabama estate plan? Are you confident that when you pass away your estate will not have to go through the probate? It is excellent that you have an Alabama last will and testament. However, the fact that you have a will does not, by itself, allow your estate to avoid probate. This is one mistake we see in our office when the probate process is misunderstood. Read more . . .
Monday, April 18, 2022
 Do you enjoy do-it-yourself projects? Are you contemplating a new project of do-it-yourself estate planning? Do you believe that it is probably better to DIY an estate plan than to not have an estate plan at all? Unfortunately, this may not be true. By writing your own estate plan, without seeking counsel from a qualified Alabama estate planning attorney, you may run into a lot of issues in the future. Read more . . .
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
 With the arrival of the new year and as the month of January gets underway, did you know many people in Alabama are focusing on how they will reach the resolutions they set? What resolutions did you set? Did you focus on work or health or family or all three? Read more . . .
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
3872.png) Can you believe that in just a few short weeks, it will be 2022? The end of the year is quickly approaching. We realize that the pandemic continues to add a layer to everything but, for most of us, we are busy finalizing our end of the year plans, purchasing last minute holiday gifts, and making arrangements to spend time with family. As you reflect on your goals for the coming year, this is the perfect time to take stock of what has happened this year. What went well? What could we improve on? Read more . . .