Are you married with children? Are you a solo parent? Due to any number of reasons, estate planning is likely a topic that weighs heavily on your mind. Choosing an estate planning attorney in your area to guide you through the process can be a good way to ensure that the burden is somewhat lightened. Your estate plan needs to reflect what you want for your children. Whether you are widowed, were never in a relationship with your child’s other parent, or pursued parenthood on your own by choice, take special care to find an estate planning attorney experienced in working with solo parents for the smoothest path forward.
In a situation where you are your child’s only legally recognized parent, the right estate planning attorney can help you make contingency plans in the event that you unexpectedly pass on. He or she can also advise you on making arrangements for temporary guardianship due to travel or medical incapacitation so that someone you choose is legally able to make decisions for your children in these temporary situations, which is often more important for solo parents.
When you are looking for an estate planning attorney, be sure to ask not only about writing a will or choosing a long-term guardian, but also about whether he or she can create documents, like a temporary healthcare surrogate for your children, so that the person you choose can help if you have to be away from your children for any period of time.
If you are a solo parent, it can be important to choose an estate planning attorney near you who is familiar with the laws in your state and jurisdiction. Your estate plan should contain provisions for guardianship of your children and also for the administration of any money they inherit from you, as well as things like social security survivor’s benefits. Finding an attorney who knows how the judges in your area normally handle situations like yours is important because they will be able to help you make informed decisions that a probate judge would be likely to uphold without much fuss.
To learn more about important estate planning matters, please reach out to our office to schedule a meeting.